You are entitled to cancel your order for the Goods without penalty within seven days of the Goods having been delivered to you. In such an event, you will receive a full refund of the purchase price within thirty days of the date of cancelling this agreement.
Goods may be returned only when defective, damaged or if the product supplied is not the same product as what was ordered. If the Goods are defective in any way this must be reported within twenty four hours after the product having been delivered to you and must be returned to us within a period of one month after delivery.
Moongel is a non-toxic self-adhesive gel that sticks to drum heads, cymbals, and most percussion equipment, giving you a flexible dampening solution for your drum gear.
Move the Moongel MG4 around the drum head and cymbal until you find and impede the offending frequencies.
Moongel is washable and retains its stickiness, giving you years of service.
Create the perfect sound by dampening overtones on drums and dampening cymbals. No more studio rings flopping around, these are self adhesive so they stay put.
Dampening pads are highly recommended for any level of drummer and drum set. Perfect for studio sessions.